Monday 12th November 2012

A Barn Owl was flying around just after 0600hrs but not found subsequently - this is the 2nd one here this autumn of a species we don't record annually. Typical mid-November fare here today with a handful of new Blackies, Chaffs, Lesser Redpolls plus single new Dunnock, Goldcrest & Woodcock on site. It's always good to ring Woodcock as the recovery rate on them is very good due to them being a quarry species. Vis mig still apparent with 55 Chaffs, 16 Goldies, 7 Greenies, 5 Siskin, 3 Mipits, Reed Bunting & Waxwing going south. Loitering on site a couple of Redwing, Fieldfare & Brambling. Offshore a handful of Brents, Common Scoter, Wigeon & Black-heads trickled south. Also paying a visit was a Western Conifer Seed-bug - once again this was walking around the main observation area having presumably been attracted to the moth light nearby.