Tuesday 13th October 2012

Pretty quiet again this morning but a couple of new things were learned: 1) Water Rails have no interest in eating tinned haggis - The ligering one shunning my offering of it this morning, 2) A good way to see Grey Wagtails here is to turn off the tape lure, immediately after doing so one with magically appear. We did manage to ring a few birds this morning however, 7  in total: 2 Blackbird, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Chaffinch and a Lesser Redpoll. Also amongst them was the Dutch Robin caught a couple of weeks ago so perhaps he is planning on staying the winter. Movement was restricted to 40 odd Siskins, 10 Mipits, 3 Red-throated Diver, 3 Skylark, 10 Brents and a couple of Great-crested Grebes. A Phalarope species was seen to land a fair distance offshore but did not show itself well enough for identification. The only other sighting of note was a somewhat shabby Common Darter resting on one of the nets