Tuesday 20th November 2012

Fairly tedious mornings seawatching produced little in terms of quantity but some quality in the form of Long-tailed Duck & Pom Skua north plus a Black-throated Diver south. Supporting cast included 39 Brents, 24 Common Scoter, 15 Kitts, 8 Ringed Plover, 7 Shoveler, 6 Teal, 5 Gadwal, 4 Wigeon, 3 Knot, 3 Dunlin, 2 Barwits, Red-throated Diver, Merganser, Goldeneye & Guillemot going south. It's also getting to that time of the year when a few more Gulls & Kitts are starting to follow the boats offshore. Ringing produced just singles of Chaff, Greeny & yet another new Goldcrest.