Wednesday 21st November 2012

Apologies for the late posting of these sightings but your blogger was up the river doing a co-ordinated low water count on a day when the weather was distinctly not nice. The observers present at Landguard reported that the local female Peregrine performed admirably for them beating up the pigeons over the reserve. A few bits & bobs going south offshore included 117 Teal, 22 Brents, 15 Wigeon, 11 Knot, 8 Dunlin, 5 Tufteds, 5 Mergansers, 3 Shelduck, 2 Pintail, 2 Goldeneye, 2 Common Scoter & a Ringed Plover. A Mistle Thrush was knocking around & a new Robin was the sum total of birds ringed.