Firstly on this glorious sunny winters day a happy new year to you all & whichever god takes your fancy please can you put in a request for a bird fest at Landguard in 2013. Sea watching for just over an hour first thing produced 19 Brent, 8 Kitts, Great-crested Grebe & Little Egret south plus comings and goings of 65 Red-throated Divers north 29 south, 4 Cormorants north 15 south. 3 Snow Bunts flew south along the beach but on a perambulation around the peninsula could not be re found so they may have kept going. What was pleasing to see were 3 Red-throated Divers fishing close in near the river mouth by the point which hopefully indicates that fish are coming closer in - most of the time divers here are well offshore so birds feeding close in are entertaining for the punters. The walk around also produced 2 Mute Swans going south but nowt else of note except that with the currant bun out this morning both Peregrine & Little Owl were sunning themselves.