Wednesday 2nd January 2013

Bit more interesting this morning staring out to sea with a gaggle of 6 Greylags & 3 White-fronts going south just offshore (we failed to record any white-fronts in 2012). Also of note a female Marsh Harrier going south at 0930hrs (not sure if we have ever this species in January here before !). The supporting cast consisted of 85 Common Scoter, 40 Knot, 5 Brent, 4 Shelduck, 2 Oyks, Grey Plover, Red-breasted Merganser & Great-crested Grebe going south plus a Great-crest north. Not really sure why there is any movement at all at the moment as we are not experiencing any cold weather anywhere. Also on the move Red-throated Divers (24 N 32 S + 2 close inshore just off the point again) & Cormorants (83 N 18 S) although most of this is just feeding movements well offshore. A Waxwing was just outside the recording area in the grounds of the Custom House along View Point Road. Finally a bit of late news for yesterday with a Great-northern Diver flying out of the estuary & out to sea over the observers head & at least 9 Meds (7 ads, 1 2nd winter, 1 1st winter).