Tuesday 25th June 2013

Cool start but it has finally started to feel like summer as the morning went on. 42 Barnacles north at 0445hrs - what on earth is going on with this species that was a distinct rarity here up to 25 years ago ! Going south 20 Common Scoter, 12 Curlew & 8 Swallows plus a Little Egret north and a handful of terns coming & going. Baby bird time of the year with us finally ringing our first baby Blackbird of the year illustrating just what a struggle some species are having trying to rear any young this year down here. A couple of Painted Ladies have shown up in recent days which are hopefully the harbingers of more to come.

Ringing 9 birds. Apologies for the lack of ringing totals on several days this month but totals have been pathetic at what should be a busy time for baby birds. Worth a mention today is the retraping of our local male Chaffinch who has been with us since March 2007 - it's not often he makes a mistake & gets caught.