Wednesday 26th June 2013

Landguard Mega - Nuthatch - only the 3rd site record. Total of 50 Sand Martins south is indicative of autumn passage as is the continuation of Curlews going south with another 43 past so far this morning. 3 Avocets went east out to sea. It's pleasing to report that one of the pairs of Lesser 'throats have got their babes out today. Just prior to scripting this blog a Skylark burst into song overhead & a Clouded Yellow fed on the Viper's Bugloss at the observatory watch point.

29 birds ringed: 8 Greenies, 7 Great Tit, 5 Robin (pulli), 4 Linnet, 2 Dunnock, 2 Lesser 'throats, 1 Wood Pigeon.