Friday 29th November 2013

Could see the sea this morning with the fog & mist gone so consequently a few birds noted on the move offshore including heading south 9 Brent, 8 Common Scoter, 2 Goldeneye, Red-throated Diver, Red-breasted Merganser & going north 17 Red-throated Diver, 8 Gannet, 4 Common Scoter, Eider plus a dose of Cormorants coming and going. It's got to the time of the year when a few more Kitts are following boats with the other gulls offshore but counts are low. Overhead 2 Linnet & a Mipit went south with no evidence of any passage migrants in the bushes at all. 2 Snow Bunting were whizzing around early on with the pattern of behaviour for this species recently being with us first thing and then clearing off for the rest of the day. Finally a December Moth was the first of the year of a species we don't catch annually.

Ringing: 0