Thursday 28th November 2013

Misty & damp with only slightly better visibility than yesterday. 5 Brambling went north, Fieldfare south, 4 Blackies came in off + 2 went south, Redwing on site & 8 Linnets paid a brief visit. Linnets leave us for the winter being only seen occasionally with most going down to Iberia - a fate many of us wouldn't mind considering. Snow Bunting was heard calling early on towards the point but in this murk not seen with no one going down that way to investigate. Finally, as people ask about them, Mr & Mrs Peregrine are still present & accounted for and seemingly content with each others company. If not flying around and not on the old crane, they can be difficult to pick out on the big new cranes which make cracking perches to survey their domain.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.