November Ringing Totals

256 birds of 21 species. This is the 6th lowest November total on record and continues the ongoing situation regarding low monthly ringing totals. As the year grinds to a halt we have only just beaten the poorest ringing year on record as far as totals are concerned. This is not due to lack of effort but a lack of birds.

Blackbird 125
Chaffinch 26
Lesser Redpoll 18
Goldfinch 15
Song Thrush 10
Robin 7
Greenfinch 9
Blackcap 9
Long-tailed Tit 9
Redwing 5
Wren 4
Goldcrest 3
Common Redpoll 3
Chiffchaff 3
Sparrowhawk 2
Dunnock 2
Starling 2
Blue Tit 1
Great Tit 1
Dartford Warbler 1
Brambling 1