Sunday 1st December 2013

Leaving late yesterday afternoon a crest was heard calling & lone behold a new Goldcrest was trapped this morning. After catching a new one during the week it's a surprise to get another new one today which is the first of it's kind to be ringed here in December. 2 Marsh Harriers came from inland & went north at 0750hrs which is also a bit odd - but then again in the good old days we never used to see this species in the winter anyway. Plenty of Cormorants about but the only other offshore movements were 62 Common Scoter N 15 S plus 9 offshore, 8 Brent N 4 S, 4 Shelduck S, 3 Gannet N & 1 Red-throated Diver N 3 S. 17 Snow Buntings flew in for about five minutes before departing over the river towards Essex & 3 Skylarks came in off and headed inland. Finally, carrying on with the odd theme, 3 Common Darters sunning themselves in a brief period of sunshine, were the first ones ever noted here in December.

Ringing: 1 Goldfinch, 1 Goldcrest.