2012 Ringing Totals

For those of you have trouble sleeping the 2012 ringing totals & updated stats are now on www.lbo.org.uk & if that doesn't do the trick nothing will. Seriously, the annual totals were higher due to the best spring for years & some notable late autumn falls. Wheatear & Lesser Redpoll figures were impressive as was a record day catch of Ring Ouzel & our 5th best day ringing total of 296 birds on 22nd October.

Saturday 2nd February 2013

The cold wind doth blow & we shall have wintry showers. A Skylark went south but nil sign of any other movements. Despite the cold the local Great Tits are singing well.

Friday 1st February 2013

Dull & wet morning. On the move going north 45 Brents + 2 Red-throated Divers & going south 9 Barnacles, 2 Gadwal, Shelduck & Grey Plover. The Water Rail is still with us & the only other thing worth a mention is a new Chaffinch ringed.

January Ringing Total

For what it's worth 21 birds of 9 species ringed (compared with just 1 bird of 1 species ringed in both 2011 & 2012).

Black-headed Gull 7, Song Thrush 7, Med Gull 1, Herring Gull 1, Common Gull 1, Water Rail 1, Woodcock 1, Blackbird 1 & Greenfinch 1.

Thursday 31st January 2013

Ringtail Hen Harrier just offshore going south at 0835hrs is a good mid-winter record. The bulk of our Hen Harrier records are on autumn migration with the odd spring record in March & the odd mid-winter record during periods of severe wintry conditions. Once settled in for the winter somewhere they normally then stay put - presumably this one has eaten her way out of goodies wherever she was & has decided to move south to pastures new. The only other sign of migration was 3 Skylark south. Offshore just a couple of Red-throated Divers, Cormorants & a solitary Brent south in 40 mins observation was typically poor but the harrier more than made up for it. Regular Sanderling still on the beach & for those who like there Med Gulls a motley crew are regularly giving close up views in the View Point car park.

Wednesday 30th January 2013

13 Golden Plover, 8 Lapwing, 6 Wood Pigeon & a Skylark south. Not really sure why the Woodies are moving at this time of the year. Apart from these records it's very much the regular birds in the regular places.

Tuesday 29th January 2013

7 White-fronted Geese overhead & south into Essex at 0750hrs & a Shag steaming south just off the beach mid morning towards the point are today's highlights. Not a lot else on the move going south apart from 17 Wigeon, 2 Grey Plover, Brent & Common Scoter plus 35 Wigeon & 7 Brent north. Woodcock flushed in the bushes & Sanderling still on the beach. 8 Linnets on site in much milder conditions today suggesting they are attempting to winter not far away. We know from ringing recoveries that most of our Linnets used to go to Spain for the winter but these days it is becoming more obvious that some don't bother.

Monday 28th January 2012

3 Woodcock flushed whilst walking into the obs this morning suggesting that they were seeking sanctuary in here following a busy Sunday for punters on the reserve. A Marsh Harrier went south just offshore at 0830hrs is yet another mid-winter record. Going south offshore 162 Wigeon, 14 Teal, 11 Pintail, 9 Brents, 4 Common Scoter, 3 Kitts & a Barwit with 3 Barnacle Geese going south then back north a short while later (make your mind up boys !). A handful of Red-throated Divers & Cormorants also going back & forth as is the norm. 7 Linnets went south plus 3 more were on site. Also on site 2 Skylark & a Fieldfare. Helli roof raised following snow damage with the major splits sewn up but plenty of more repair work to do for those who don't mind sewing.

Sunday 27th January 2013

No snow left & considerably milder following overnight rain. The suns now out but it's blowing a westerly gale. A third-winter Yellow-legged Gull was on the reserve eyeing up a dead rabbit for breakfast. On the move going south 9 Wigeon, 8 Pintail, 6 Common Scoter, 3 Shelduck, 2 Skylark, Oystercatcher & Gannet plus 10 Red-throated Divers north. A largish flock of dabbling type ducks went north an awful long way out are presumably a gang relocating back north from whence they came following the thaw. A Woodcock & a Fieldfare are still with us as is a Sanderling along the beach. Turkey Tail Trametes versicolour photo above on the old Silver Birch stump that was felled several winters back. This is a fungi even i can identify that likes dead and dying wood stumps. Late pm update: Having spent a couple of hours rubbing down the walls of the toilet to prepare them for decorating this afternoonit was notable that most times when i glanced out of the window the Water Rail was on view - even swiming in the helli pond at one point. As the forecast looks pleasant for Monday morning helli repairs will commence if anyone fancies some sewing ?