Thursday 23rd January 2014

First time in a few days with time (& kind weather) to get the enthusiasm to wander down the point to check on the Snow Bunts and 9 birds were by the board-walk - we had 9 on the 11th so looks like the regular 7 have a couple of interlopers with them occasionally. Mrs Peregrine clobbered a pigeon this morning and was struggling to carry it over into the dock with Mr Peregrine keeping a close eye on proceedings. 394 Cormorants flew out to feed this morning but little else moving. Heading south 26 Teal, 23 Common Scoter, 22 Red-throated Diver, 9 Pintail, 2 Greylag, 2 Brent & Guillemot plus going north 14 Red-throats, Shelduck & Curlew. 2 Guillemot & Great-crested Grebe were also offshore. Kitt numbers very much thinned out with the winds easing but still plenty of gulls in the harbour to look through.