Wednesday 22nd January 2014

14 Little Gulls south (1st winter on it's own then groups of 5 & 8 adults) just off the beach line - but with the poor visibility and rain this morning if they had been any further out we may not have known they were out there at all. Also heading south 44 Kitts, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Wigeon, Knot, Curlew & Guillemot plus going north 11 Brent. 198 Cormorants went out to feed plus 62 south regardless of the grotty conditions. A couple of new Blackies ringed is indicative of movements but why is more difficult to ascertain (colder on the continent ?). Late news - total of 24 Little Gulls noted by mid-pm.

Ringing: 2 Blackbird.