June Ringing Totals

420 birds of 28 species ringed during June. This is the highest June total for 10 years and far better than the paltry 160 birds ringed in June last year. We must, however, put this in perspective as June ringing totals last century were often far higher with a maximum of 822 ringed in June 1995. The Pied Wagtail total is notable as 11 ringed exceeds our previous best ever annual total for this species.

Ringed Plover 1 Starling 17
Woodpigeon 2 Blackbird 13
Magpie 6 Song Thrush 7
Coal Tit 1 Robin 3
Blue Tit 11 Dunnock 24
Great Tit 27 House Sparrow 15
Skylark 1 Pied Wagtail 11
Chiffchaff 8 Meadow Pipit 5
Willow Warbler 1 Chaffinch 6
Blackcap 7 Greenfinch 89
Lesser Whitethroat 5 Goldfinch 22
Whitethroat 12 Linnet 116
Reed Warbler 2 White-throated Sparrow 1
Nuthatch 1
Wren 6