Tuesday 1st July 2014

Today's rarity is only the 20th site record that we are aware of but as it's a female Pheasant then I don't think an invasion of twitchers is imminent. Please don't ask me why a female Pheasant has come here on the 1st July as I just don't know why ? Bird wise still plenty of baby birds out & about the site but migrants almost non-existent. An extra male Peregrine was winding up the locals resulting in lots of exited calling going on early on - or is this just a visit from one of the relatives ! After getting a couple of Bordered Straws a few days ago another one arrived this morning giving hope of a good year for the species.

15 birds ringed: 4 whitethroat, 3 linnet, 3 greenfinch, 2 house sparrow, 1 blackcap, 1 starling, 1 blackbird.

Finally late news for yesterday was this butterfly. Essex Skipper is common on the northern half of the reserve but Small Skipper is not on the Landguard list. Several people have claimed them over the years but whenever you ask them for evidence it is not forthcoming. You only have to go to the other side of the docks to see Small Skipper so if the odd one turned up it could be easily overlooked amongst the mass of Essex Skippers on site. This looks like a good candidate.