Monday 24th November 2014

Last knockings this week as far as autumn migration is concerned. Visible migration consisted of south bound 23 Goldfinch, 11 Mipits & 8 Skylark with offshore movements being restricted to 5 Shelduck & 4 Brents. An incoming ship dragged 7 Gannets in behind it. This phenomenon of Gannets following ships in has only been a feature of the last couple of years and is not something we are accustomed to - are they scavenging with the gulls as it is a previously unexploited source of food or is it a food shortage offshore that is causing them to scavenge behind shipping ? The only new migrants in on site are 2 Fieldfare, Black Redstart, Redpoll plus a new Blackbird with left overs from recent days being a couple of Goldcrests & a Redwing lingering with us. A fine sunny morning brought both Peregrines & both Little Owls out to play this morning - or maybe just to dry out following yesterdays deluge.

6 birds ringed: 5 Goldfinch, 1 Blackbird.