Tuesday 25th November 2014

A site record count of 530 Cormorants flew out to sea this morning to feed with lots coming & going offshore after this presumably involved just the same birds. A Guillemot and a Slavonian Grebe heading north close together in tandem was not expected. Up to the end of 2013 we only had three site records of Slavonian Grebe with this year has produced several records at the start of the year (probably involving the same individual) plus today's bird. Not a lot else moving offshore with south bound 15 Teal, 8 Red-throated Diver, Goldeneye & Red-breasted Merganser with north bound 7 Brent, 2 Great-crested Grebe plus 2 more Guillemot. Late morning 11 Gannet & a Pom Skua put in an appearance behind the dredger coming in. Overhead 7 Goldfinch & 2 Redpoll flew south with new birds in the bushes limited to a few new Blackies and a new Robin.

Ringing: 3 Blackbird, 1 Robin.