Friday 13th March 2015

A Lapwing displaying over the reserve first thing soon moved on. Migrants almost non-existent in the bushes apart from a couple of new Great Tits & a single Long-tailed Tit. Sanderling on the beach with a Turnstone near the point is possibly the one that has been on the beach up the town all winter as Sanderling seem to have abandoned us so far this year. Four regular Song Thrush singing at the moment with one by the Butts pond, one on Icky ridge & two in the observatory compound. Up to the mid 1990's we had 3 pairs of Song Thrush until they gradually became extinct here around the turn of the century in line with the national decline of this species. Pairs started nesting here again only a few years ago building up to 3 pairs in the last couple of years. Traditionally they only had very poor rates of breeding success but last year was a bumper year which quite possibly accounts for the fact that 4 males are singing their hearts out really giving it some welly in recent weeks. The pair by the Butts pond have been nest building already.

Ringing: 2 great tit.