Saturday 14th March 2015

First winter Glaucous Gull flew north offshore at 10.05hrs seen by 2 lucky observers but missed by 3 unlucky observers who were stuffing their faces with tea and crumpets in the kitchen ! Also offshore in a cold north-easterly wind south bound 23 Brent, 18 Red-throated Diver, 2 Gadwal, Fulmar, Tufted Duck & Oyk plus north bound 4 Grey Plover & Curlew. Very few migrants in the bushes indicating few passerine moving although both the Blackbird & Starling ringed were on the skinny side suggesting that they had been flying around the north sea looking for land having been caught out on migration by the changing conditions. All the locals are setting up territories & if anyone out there would like to come and census our Dunnock population then they are more than welcome to give it a go. I have been trying for years to work out an accurate way of finding out how many "pairs" of Dunnock we have and I wouldn't mind betting my "guesstimates" are on the low side not helped by the complicated sex lives of this species.

Ringing: 1 blackbird, 1 starling, 1 greenfinch.