Monday 9th March 2015

Fairly standard early March fare as evidenced by the ringing totals with a Grey Wagtail trapped the first one ever caught here in spring. At least 15 Great Tit on site as well as single Redwing, Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit & Red-legged Partridge calling again first thing. Yesterday's new Robins have moved on. Overhead single Jackdaw went south with offshore movements limited to just 2 Red-throated Diver north. The moth traps have been on since the end of February, yesterday we caught the first moth of the year & today we had our biggest catch of the year with 2 Common Quaker - if it gets much more exciting in the traps I will have to go and have a lie down to recover !

13 birds ringed: 5 great tit, 3 blue tit, 2 dunnock, 1 grey wagtail, 1 robin, 1 long-tailed tit.