Tuesday 10th March 2015

Not a lot this morning bird wise with 3 Redwing, 2 Fieldfare on site plus 2 Jackdaw heading south. Offshore 2 Red-throated Diver & Shelduck south. A couple of Hebrew Characters in the moth traps plus the micro moth Agonopterix curvipunctosa which is a Red Data Book species that is rarely recorded anywhere else in the country apart from here at Landguard (and even then we only have a couple of examples in some years). Also worth a mention is the fact that we have been notified by the mycologist powers that be that this example of Cramp Balls or King Alfred's Cakes Daldinia concentrica , first featured on this blog a month or so back, is notable in the fact that it growing on old felled Holm Oak which is the first time that it has ever been noted on this host in the UK (apparently it likes dead Ash but as there is none here it has presumably had to make do with what is available).
Ringing: 1 chaffinch.