Sunday 31st May 2015

The last week of May is usually the best week of the year for oddities - but not this year. May has petered out with a whimper rather than going out with a bang with this mornings wind & rain (now just odd bits of drizzle) not conducive to constructive birding. "Hunt the Migrant" basically failed with nothing new noted on site. Far more time spent staring offshore than it really deserved produced just 2 Fulmar, 2 Tufted Duck, Gannet plus a Collared Dove well offshore heading south for some bizarre reason. A few more baby birds are slowly appearing with the nearest pair of Crows, that nested on a lighting tower alongside View Point Road, bringing their young down onto the reserve in recent days. Many local nesting birds are struggling to produce any young this year and you know conditions are tough when the local Crows only appeared to have two offspring.