May Ringing Totals

A total of 251 birds of 31 species were ringed during the month. In 2014, a total of 310 birds were during the month of May but due to the wet and windy weather this year, at times, migration in May was halted so not as good a month of ringing as it could have been but all the same a very productive month. 

Woodpigeon  3 Common Redstart  2
Collared Dove  3 Wheatear  7
Turtle Dove  1 Firecrest  1
Magpie 4 Willow Warbler  29
Ringed Plover  4 Chiffchaff  30
Blackbird  7 Blackcap  12
Starling  11 Garden Warbler  2
Chaffinch  5 Common Whitethroat  16
Greenfinch  13 Lesser Whitethroat  12
Goldfinch  4 Sedge Warbler  4
Linnet  40 Reed Warbler  3
Blue Tit  2 Meadow Pipit  8
Great Tit  3 Pied Wagtail  1
Wren  1 Spotted Flycatcher  9
Dunnock  7 Swallow  2
Robin  5