Monday 1st June 2015

Late spring migrants are single Chiffchaff & Blackcap although this is something of a misnomer as both birds were females that have already attempted breeding before turning up here. This phenomena of breeding, failing, then continuing to migrate to pastures new is one that is not fully appreciated or documented in these two species. The first Curlew of the autumn went south. I can hear some of you cringing at the thought of autumn migration starting but this is a fairly typical date for the first Curlews to be going south past here. What is happening in Curlews is that failed breeders depart the nesting grounds and head south to their chosen estuary to moult. In contrast a Sanderling on the beach will still be heading north to breed as it will not want to arrive on it's nesting grounds in the far north in the Arctic until early June. Other migrants noted today include south bound 15 Swallow, 4 Swift, 4 Barnacle Geese, 2 Mallard, 2 House Martin, Fulmar plus 2 Canada Geese northbound. A Siskin was also heard. Finally Mr & Mrs Peregrine are still loitering on site having given up with this years nesting attempt at the end of April.

7 birds ringed: 4 greenfinch, 1 dunnock, 1 chiffchaff, 1 blackcap.