Tuesday 2nd June 2015

It's one of those mornings whereby if we hadn't bothered to turn up then it wouldn't really have mattered. An unseasonal gale is in progress more akin to the type we get in mid-winter. Flaming June it ain't ! 31 Swifts went south but if there were any migrants in the bushes or on the nature reserve then they were keeping their heads down. Starring out to sea has been a total waste of time with the only sighting of note being one Fulmar. Three moth traps produced just six moths. Before we start consuming the St. John's Wort or reaching for the Valium we should just consider how better off we are than the baby Bunny's on site. We have a small number of "hunter-killer" Herring Gulls who are expert at dispatching baby Rabbits which are then shared with the less expert gulls & crows.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.