Thursday 18th June 2015

Waking up to a warm north westerly breeze wasn't what we hoping for but at this time of year, most our time is spent searching for butterflies, recording moths and ringing baby birds. 

The commoner species of butterfly are started to emerge in small numbers now with this Small Heath, (above). 

New migrants today included 157 Swift, 2 Swallow, 1 House Martin, 5 Goldfinch and 1 Chiffchaff. A Grey Heron flew South early morning. 

Lunar Yellow Underwing, (below) is a nationally scarce species that is common enough in parts of Suffolk but only noted here infrequently. Also of note today is a Small Dotted Buff which we have only noted here previously in 1995. 

Ringing: 2 birds ringed this morning including 2 Linnet.