Wednesday 17th June 2015

This Hummingbird Hawkmoth,one of two seen feeding on Vipers Bugloss in the last couple of days, is a migrant from more southern climes, which appears in good numbers in some years.

Today was mostly about baby birds, with lots of young now leaving their nests, including the first Wrens and Goldfinch young seen on the wing on site this year. Apart from that there was a flock of 17 Barnacle Geese and 5 Curlew south, probably the start of Autumn migration, certainly as far as the Waders are concerned.

Ringing produced 14 birds, all were youngsters just out of their nests, and included, 1 Ringed Plover, 2 Pied Wagtail, 4 Linnets, 3 Great Tit, and 1 each of Blue Tit, Dunnock, Goldfinch and Greenfinch.