Tuesday 31st May 2016

With the stormy weather more suited to October than May, one could suggest sea watching as the best bet to see any birds. Well you would be right, as any land birds would be well hidden in cover. So a look out to sea was called for, and it proved rewarding with 81 Gannets south along with 4 Brent Geese and 4 Fulmar also south, with another 4 north, 4 Kittiwake and a drake Common Scoter also north and lots of Terns. (Like the group of Common Terns pictured above). In total there were about 30 Common Terns, 8 Little Terns, 1 Sandwich Tern and an Arctic Tern. Also several Gull species, the best being a Med Gull and a couple of Common Gulls. On site a Reed Warbler that had obviously seen a Broadway musical as it was literally "singing in the rain". After the rain stopped a new Firecrest appeared in one of the few nets we were able to open.

   This Pale Prominent moth was the best of a meagre catch in the traps last night, due to the weather.

2 birds were ringed; 1 Firecrest and 1 Great Tit.