May Ringing Totals

A grand total of 179 birds ringed in May consisting of 26 species. This is lower than last years total due to the awful weather we had throughout the month.

Blackcap  31 Firecrest  3
Chiffchaff  31 Spotted Flycatcher  3
Willow Warbler  26 Sedge Warbler  2
Linnet  12 Woodpigeon  2
Common Whitethroat  11 Greenfinch  2
Lesser Whitethroat  10 Garden Warbler  2
Great Tit  9 Reed Warbler  2
Dunnock  6 Starling  2
Robin  5 Blue Tit  2
Wren  4 Sparrowhawk  1
Blackbird  4 Hawfinch  1
Goldfinch 3 Tree Pipit 1
Chaffinch  3 Song Thrush  1

Notable species being Hawfinch and Tree Pipit which are species where we only catch a few individuals annually. A wet and windy month so can we expect a good breeding season and warmer climes..?