September Ringing Totals

A total of 488 birds of 33 species ringed in September. A poor start to the month but as it progressed more migrants were moving through in good numbers. Albeit down a little on last years total. Highlights being decent numbers of warblers ringed, 1 Arctic Warbler, 1 Yellow-browed Warbler and 1 Kingfisher.

Chiffchaff  126 Reed Warbler  4
Blackcap  92 Wren  3
Meadow Pipit  73 House Sparrow  3
Willow Warbler  33 Garden Warbler  3
Grey Wagtail  31 Tree Sparrow  2
Robin  24 Common Whitethroat  2
Goldfinch  18 Linnet  2
Song Thrush  15 Common Redstart  2
Long-tailed Tit  7 Yellow-browed Warbler  1
Blue Tit  7 Arctic Warbler  1
Goldcrest  5 Firecrest  1
Blackbird  5 Kingfisher  1
Dunnock  5 Sparrowhawk  1
Lesser Whitethroat  5 Sedge Warbler  1
Chaffinch  5 Spotted Flycatcher  1
Woodpigeon  4 Whinchat 1
Great Tit  4