Saturday 1st October 2016

Early morning rain delayed proceedings & it's bucketing down again now. The conditions dropped in at least 20 Chiffchaff, 15 Blackcap, 4 Chaffinch, 2 Reed Bunting, Snipe & Whitethroat whilst out on the reserve 4 Wheatear were noted. The 3 Tree Sparrows continue to loiter around the cottage. Visible migration almost non-existent with a Jackdaw the only thing worth a mention and offshore movements non-existent. In the moth traps a Red Underwing popped in for a visit.

29 birds ringed: 11 Chiffchaff, 9 Blackcap, 3 Great Tit, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Swallow, 1 Dunnock, 1 Robin, 1 Dunnock.