Tuesday 15th November 2016

A mild morning producing a few tardy autumn migrants. Although it is expected that Blackies & thrushes are still moving at this time of the year the Robin and Goldcrest season should really be done & dusted by now. Some vis mig this morning including southbound 132 Starling, 54 Goldfinch, 21 Mipit, 11 Stock Dove, 11 Skylark, 5 Siskin, 2 Jackdaw plus a Brambling heading inland. A couple of Turnstone and a Sanderling are on the beach plus a Rock Pipit on the jetty. Offshore movements limited.

7 birds ringed: 3 Blackbird, 1 Robin, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Chaffinch.