Wednesday 16th November 2016

We failed to see the "super moon" when it was at its peak a couple of nights ago but the cloud finally cleared this morning for a view - doesn't look any bigger than normal to me ! A bit of vis mig this morning in the shape of southbound 15 Mipits, 6 Greenfinch, 2 Skylark & a Rock Pipit.  On site 10 Mipits  & 2 Rock Pipit loiter on the reserve and a Brambling was calling first thing. Offshore 51 Common Scoter went south but apart from a single Shag nothing else. A mere 1325 Cormorants counted going out fishing this morning although we know some mornings they don't all come over us as some go from the roosts over the town heading to the mouth of the River Alde and miss us out.

Very few of the moth species that would be expected at this time of the year have bothered to put an appearance in this year and despite the mild night we had to be content with just a single Angle Shades this morning.

4 birds ringed: 2 Goldfinch, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Blackbird.