Friday 6th January 2017

Whilst 2250 Cormorants went out fishing early on a Great-northern Diver also came out over the docks to head out to see. Glaucous Gull here early on but not seen afterwards. On the move southbound 103 Brent, 81 Shelduck, 29 Pintail, 16 Teal, 13 Wigeon, 8 Red-throated Diver, 3 Gannet, 3 Eider, Red-breasted Merganser, Dunlin & Guillemot plus north bound 11 Red-throats, 11 Common Scoter, Brent, Shelduck & Oyk with a Great-crested Grebe sat on the sea. The Shelduck are presumably late returning individuals that have been to the Wadden Sea to moult whereas the Pintail will have been moving in response to the freezing conditions elsewhere in Europe. A fat adult female  Blacky trapped in the afternoon will be a refugee from the severe frosts inland seeking milder conditions on the coast.

Ringing: 1 blackbird.