Saturday 7th January 2017

Misty murky morning. First-winter Glaucous Gull put in several appearances behind shipping offshore despite far from ideal viewing conditions. 27 Teal, 2 Shelduck, Red-throated Diver & Wigeon went south in the murk and a Great-crested Grebe was on the sea. A mere 1350 Cormorants went out fishing early on but with the poor visibility it is expected that others sneaked out unobserved. A Lesser Black-backed Gull was the first one noted here this year. Whenever one goes just inland of the docks in the winter one can see small numbers of Lesser Black-backs it's just that despite the melee of up to a couple of thousand seagulls behind ships and in the harbour they are not interested during the mid-winter months preferring to feed elsewhere - the first hint of spring then they reappear. You can tell it's all a bit grim down here when all that can be offered you lucky punters is a photo of Briar Rabbit !