Tuesday 16th May 2017

Hooded Crow came from the north loitered briefly being harassed by local corvids and left back northwards over the docks. It is only the 8th Landguard record although in days of old large numbers of "hoodies" wintered on the Suffolk coast so there is quite possibly old sightings of which we are not aware. Coincidentally the first sighting we are aware of here is on the 15th May 1981 almost 36 years ago to the day. Migrants again in short supply with some vis mig in the form of southbound 21 Swallow, 5 House Martin & a Yellow Wagtail. Offshore 6 Little Terns & a Little Egret were the highlight. On the locals front a couple of young Robins from different broods have been brave enough to come out of their respective nests this morning.

A few more micros starting to appear including Bryotropha terrella which is very common here but just the sort of creature to put people off moth identification as several very similar Gelichids also exist.

Ringing: 2 Robin, 1 Blackcap, 1 Whitethroat.