Wednesday 17th May 2017

A day when dodging the rain was the order of the day early on, but once it stopped a surprise adult male Whinchat was noted and duly caught. Whereupon it was revealed to have been ringed in Holland, apparently the first ever Dutch ringed Whinchat to be controlled in Britain.
Apart from that, 5 Wheatear, a female Whinchat briefly, and 2 Yellow Wagtails south was about it.
Offshore small numbers of both Little and Common Terns around the point.

Insect wise the humid overnight conditions saw an upturn in moths, with 53 species being recorded including yet another Marbled Clover, a notable species that must surely be breeding on site by now.

Ringed 2 birds: 1 Wheatear and 1 Chiffchaff.