Saturday 29th July 2017

Worn butterflies always cause a bit of head scratching, this Brown Angus with a bluish cast across the body makes one appreciate why it may be confused with a female Common Blue.
Strong westerly wind overnight with light showers that eased coming into dawn. New birds noted on the reserve during the morning, Willow Warbler increasing with 4 seen around the Holm Oaks, a Green Woodpecker was mobile and vocal around the bramble in front of the observatory and a Hobby landed briefly towards the point then continued South.
Offshore passage going South 181 Swift, 12 Common Tern plus 5 feeding at the point, 12 Curlew, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Oystercatcher, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Turnstone.

Moth traps very poor in recent days due to wind but with the recent precipitation come plenty of edible fungi onsite (although when they get to this size they tend to be a bit "maggoty" here)

44 birds ringed: House Sparrow 17, Starling 13, Goldfinch 4, Linnet 4, Willow Warbler 4, Whitethroat 2