Sunday 30th July 2017

Autumn migration has stalled due to the overnight rain, but the odd grounded migrant has appeared, like this juvenile Yellow Wagtail. Otherwise very quiet with the bulk of records today being 76 Sand Martin, 27 Swallow, 14 Common Tern, 5 Sandwich Tern, 10 Oyster Catcher, 1 each of Golden Plover and Turnstone all heading south, + a Hobby which appeared to be heading that way and a Kestrel that was definitely going that way as it was over the sea.
The moth traps are less busy of late due to the cooler, more unsettled weather, but there were still a few surprises like this Scarce Bordered Straw, a scarce immigrant to us, but a widespread pest species globally.

18 birds ringed: 17 Starling, 1 Goldfinch.