Tuesday 14th November 2017

Turnstone on the point.

Early showers grounded migrating thrushes before dawn, which quickly dispersed once the damp weather lifted. Offshore a little Auk went North, a Pomarine Skua went South and eight Goosander went through. Noted on the reserve, 30 Blackbird, 14 Redwing, 8 Fieldfare, 2 Goldcrest, 2 Snipe, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Stonechat & 1 Turnstone. Offshore, 2,500 Herring Gull, 250 Greater Black-backed Gull, 20 Black-headed Gull & 8 Gannet.
Going North, 18 Common Scoter, 2 Brent Goose, 1 Guillemot, 1 Little Auk, 1 Shag & 1 Teal. Going out to sea East, 2393 Cormorant. Going South, 71 Dunlin, 42 Starling, 24 Brent Goose, 24 Common Scoter, 13 Meadow Pipit, 9 Knot, 9 Siskin, 8 Goldfinch, 6 Song Thrush, 5 Goosander, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 4 Red-breast Merganser, 4 Skylark, 3 Teal, 2 Pintail, 1 Pomarine Skua, 1 Shelduck & 1 Turnstone. Coming in off the sea going West, 19 Blackbird, 4 Starling, 3 Goosander & 1 Lapwing.

27 birds ringed: Blackbird 18, Redwing 6, Chaffinch 1, Fieldfare 1, Linnet 1.