Wednesday 15th November 2017

Cormorant numbers heading out to sea are steadily increasing with 2,527 heading out this morning. They normally go out fairly early on but didn't go out until 0840 hrs which may be due to a combination of the murky conditions plus the tide time. Milder temperatures stimulated some vis mig with southbound 50 Chaffinch, 45 Goldfinch, 32 Siskin, 21 Starling, 8 Mipits, 5 Linnet & 2 Skylark. Slightly more migrants grounded on site with 25 Mipit plus a small handful of thrushes & finches including 2 Mistle Thrush that dropped in briefly. Offshore movements almost non-existent although 2 Eider went south before taking a right hand turn up the river and a Bonxie put in a brief appearance amongst the 4,000+ seagulls following the shipping.

"When I was a lad" White Point was listed in the literature of the time as a migrant. These days it obviously lives here but why it is still appearing this late in the year is open to conjecture.

9 birds ringed: 3 Redwing, 2 Blackbird, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Wood Pigeon, 1 Goldcrest.