Monday 4th December 2017

Bit difficult to get a sighting of the Supermoon as the cloud was patchy pre dawn only clearing to give a glorious sunny morning once the moon had gone. On the move southbound 5 Siskin, 3 Mipit, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Skylark & a Shag just off the beach. It seems to be a better autumn for Shag here than for many years as several move into the riverine systems for the winter. Both the harrier & the Kes were going south offshore with in the "good old days" most Marsh Harrier abandoning Britain for the winter and many young Kestrel heading to Iberia - is the recent colder conditions encouraging them to go back to old ways ? The now regular Iceland Gull is still with us but just a single Snow Bunting on the beach on the mornings walk around the reserve. Finally a Chiffchaff has just shown itself in the observatory compound.