Sunday 3rd December 2017

Some vis mig in the form of southbound 47 Linnet, 13 Goldfinch & a Mipit. On the reserve 24 Mipits, 4 Snow Bunting, Fieldfare &  Black Redstart were new in (only four records of Black Red this autumn from mid-October to early November which may be the poorest autumn for them on record so is this one contemplating moving in for the winter ?). Autumn migration not finished for some species just yet and with milder conditions its difficult to class the migrants as cold weather movements. Loiterers were the Iceland Gull, Rock Pipit & Stonechat. Offshore basically forget it. Cormorant numbers poor in recent days so there may have been some culling and deliberate disturbance at the inland roost site, but if recent winters are anything to go by, then as the Terminator said "i'll by back".