Friday 26th January 2018

Cold start followed by a glorious sunny calm morning is just what Mr Kestrel likes. 894 Cormorants went out fishing early. 2 Purple Sandpiper & Rock Pipit on the point (be warned they can easily disappear amongst the rocks and old jetty if the tide is down and it is strongly recommended that one does not venture onto the seaweed covered surfaces to look for them). 29 Linnet is definitely a sign of longer days and glorious sunny weather. In the "good old days" Linnet were non-existent here in the winter only reappearing in early March but these days many are obviously wintering near by as they can quickly reappear if favourable conditions allow. Last century the bulk, if not all, of them went to Spain for the winter. Only other bird worth a mention is a Sparrowhawk as they have been scarce here over the last couple of months preferring to frequent gardens to the north of us for richer pickings.