Thursday 25th January 2018

1,507 Cormorant went out fishing very early on in the half light. 2 Purps & a Turnstone on the point. 14 Linnet on the reserve and a Skylark heading south mid-morning must think spring is here and is going back from whence it came.

Winter Twiglet Tubaria furfuracea growing in profusion on the Holm Oak chippings in front of the observatory although this is confusing as in my book it is called Scurfy Twiglet which is now the same species that comes out in the summer. The scientific name of Winter Twiglet used to be T. hiemalis but I am reliably told that when the DNA specialists got round to sequencing the Tubaria species they found that both species are the same and are now all called T. furfuracea. Not surprising us novices find fungi difficult !