Wednesday 24th January 2018

A Song Thrush was singing early morning for the first time this "spring" whilst 1,570 Cormorant were counted going out to sea fishing. Offshore southbound 71 Kitts, 17 Common Gull, 11 Brent, 4 Red-throated Diver & 2 Oyks with northbound single Red-throat & Oyk. Windy with light rain or drizzle for most of the morning was no incentive to walk round the reserve. A Starling was only the fifth sighting this year which is a sad reflection of the state of play of this once abundant species - even making the effort to drive into the View Point car park to look around the cafe is failing to produce any. Following all the rain over recent weeks more fungi about the place including Turkey-tail on coppiced Sycamore stump.