Friday 9th March 2018

Handful of migrants on site today including Mistle Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Bullfinch & a handful of new Dunnocks. The Lotti & Bully are likely to be unpaired birds wandering in search of a mate but the Dunnocks may well include birds departing our shores for north-western Europe as, although British Dunnocks are fairly sedentary, continental birds migrate over quite large distances. Some vis mig included south bound 24 Barnacles, 2 Skylark & 2 Mipits with northbound 11 Barnacles. Offshore movements barely worth a mention in the benign conditions. A couple of Greylags heading out plus a couple north are probably birds looking for potential nesting sites to infest. Finally 2 Goldcrests were retrapped having survived the winter were originally ringed here on 27th September and 4th October last autumn. Only on a couple of previous occasions have Goldcrests managed to successfully over winter at Landguard and it is interesting to note that both these individuals were ringed fairly early in the autumn passage for this species and had learnt their way around the best spots for survival in this bleak location.

5 birds ringed: 3 Dunnock, 1 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Bullfinch.