Saturday 10th March 2018

First Chiffchaff of the year this morning. Over the last 35 years first dates have ranged from 1st March to 5th April with only four previous years beating todays date. It is one day earlier than last year and two days earlier than the year before but, considering the recent sub-zero period, it was a slight shock as it was thought this year they may be a bit on the drag. Other migrants were hard to come by being limited to a fine male Stonechat by the cottage, 3 Mipits on the reserve & an obese Blue Tit trapped that must intend going somewhere considering the fat load it was carrying (Blue Tits are not renowned for putting on weight or moving much in the UK). Vis mig consisted of nothing probably due to the overnight rain only petering out here just pre-dawn. Offshore movements almost non-existent.

The moth traps, that were put out mid-week, produced the first takers of the year in the form of a couple of Dotted Borders.

2 birds ringed: 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Blue Tit.